Archive for the 'culture' Category

Greeting etiquette 101

December 8, 2007

You’re walking along the corridors of your dorm room and you see someone you know…

Hey [insert name], how are you?

I’m good! How are you?



Hey how’s it going?

It’s going good! How about you?

It’s going good!


You call someone you’re friends with (for whatever reasons)…

Hey, what’s up?

Oh I’m just [insert activity]. What are you up to?

[start real conversation]

You’re in the dining hall and you’re picking out food from the desert station and someone you know comes along…


Hey! [insert name].

Hey! [insert other name].

So how was your day?

Oh it was great! I had like two classes. Well actually I had three but the first was like at 9am.

(nods) Yeah early classes suck.

I know. How was your day?

It was ok. I had a chemistry quiz. It sucked.

Aww, that’s too bad…(nods emphatically)





Note: Make sure you sound happy or interested

Signs that you’re an official college freshman in the US of A

November 11, 2007
  1. Freshman 15 -You gained 15 pounds (around 7 kg) or so
  2. You have a stack of unwashed dishes hidden at a corner of your dorm room
  3. As November sets in you start to stop showering everyday
  4. You can’t imagine a life without Facebook
  5. You look forward to weekends when you can get high on life (and other things)
  6. Sunday is your homework day
  7. You have breakfast at 12 pm on weekends
  8. You gasp when you hear someone says that he or she has an 8 am class
  9. Your life is dictated by the dining hall’s meal times
  10. You do laundry only when you run out of clean underwear or socks

College students are rebels, yo.

Rebels at heart.

Regulated doors

September 24, 2007

Apparently you can’t pull the door open to exit a building in America. Did not know that. Today it took me one attempt to pull one side, another on the other side and a look from my classmate that explains it all to get it. Something to do with safety in an event of an emergency. It makes a hell lot of sense now.

To think that was the gazillionth time I tried pulling a door open (without success).

Oh well.