Archive for the 'introduction' Category

Hey hey 3rd time’s a charm

September 17, 2007

Yes I’ve decided to start on a new blog, again for the 3rd time. Some of you may know my previous blog but don’t go there anymore! And I promise to update at least once a week *crosses fingers*. Well I hope to include really mundane everyday life things, somewhat interesting ventures and of course my thoughts on issues from back home and maybe even from right here in Chambana! This time I’d like to practice saying more in words and not just go “that sucks, I don’t like it”, lol. I’ll try using some expository strategies and I promise to do it in a concise, non-painful manner. It must be that college has finally grown on me. Yes one month can be a looong time and I’d like to sound like a “matured undergraduate student” with important matters in my mind (like quizzes, tests and ohh parties). I may also just post photos once in awhile.


*please please read my blog*