Archive for the 'humor' Category

Human rights day…

December 10, 2007

slogans for Malaysia. Great for T-shirts and bumper car stickers.

Greeting etiquette 101

December 8, 2007

You’re walking along the corridors of your dorm room and you see someone you know…

Hey [insert name], how are you?

I’m good! How are you?



Hey how’s it going?

It’s going good! How about you?

It’s going good!


You call someone you’re friends with (for whatever reasons)…

Hey, what’s up?

Oh I’m just [insert activity]. What are you up to?

[start real conversation]

You’re in the dining hall and you’re picking out food from the desert station and someone you know comes along…


Hey! [insert name].

Hey! [insert other name].

So how was your day?

Oh it was great! I had like two classes. Well actually I had three but the first was like at 9am.

(nods) Yeah early classes suck.

I know. How was your day?

It was ok. I had a chemistry quiz. It sucked.

Aww, that’s too bad…(nods emphatically)





Note: Make sure you sound happy or interested