Archive for the 'news' Category

Heh, the “official” defense

November 11, 2007

Information Minister on Al-Jazeera


P/S: Sorry for the very amateur feel to the video.

Overwhelmed and sleepy.

November 10, 2007

I’m overwhelmed by the sudden influx of traffic. I don’t exactly have updates and I hope everyone checked out the links that I listed. By the way Aljazeera has already reported on the rally…it should be a matter of time before other international media follow suit.

I wish everyone on the streets and everyone on the internet looking for news all the best.

Sleep calls. I’ll check again in the several hours when everything should die down. is down

November 10, 2007


I notice the sudden traffic to my blog. Yes I am awake at 2.54 am in the morning to know what is going on.

Good websites to go to now:

Original post:

I do not know what is going on. The last I heard is that the police has surrounded all the meeting points and Dataran Merdeka itself. Water cannons have been used. The rally is on.

Our PM doesn’t believe in street demonstrations – apparently they’re never peaceful.

What a third world mentality.

Hilarious BS

September 19, 2007

I’m stuck on my chemistry online homework so I’ve decided to share some hilarious BS. This is our foreign minister on BBC’s Hardtalk. Classic. I wonder if he believes every single thing that came out of his mouth.

In viewing order,
